2011 m. vasario 6 d., sekmadienis

My multiple intelligence

Theory of multiple intelligence - Gardner's intelligence theory that proposes that there are eight distinct spheres of intelligence. Multiple intelligence test shows which intelligence is the strongest. After I had done this test, I found out that most developed intelligences for me were linguistic and intrapersonal whereas the smallest one was logical. Honestly, I was not very surprised by such results - I always knew that language is my strongest ability and I had difficulties with numbers and mathematics.

People with high verbal-linguistic intelligence display a facility with words and languages. They are typically good at reading, writting, telling stories and memorizing words along with dates. As for me, I tend to learn best by reading and taking notes. When I need to learn some information for my studies, I usually rewrite it from a book, the Internet or another notebook on a sheet of paper and read it once again. Sometimes it is not necessary to do it, in order to remember perfectly. I have read that people with linguistic intelligence learn foreign languages easily. Unfortunately I have not reached something visible at this point yet, but maybe it is not too late to start learn and improve my language skills even more.

Speaking about intrapersonal intelligence, it refers to having an understanding of yourself, of knowing who you are, what you can and want to do. I used to write a diary when I was younger. To my mind, it helps to understand yourself better, to know your weaknesses and strengths and predict your own emotions and reactions. Moreover, I tend to carry out an independant projects, that means I would rather work alone than in a group of people. Also I must confess I am introverted, because I am not used to speak with others about my feelings, and it is one of the features, which belong to intrapersonal intelligence.

As I said, I am not upset about low results from logical intelligence. This area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning and numbers. I have always had lots of problems with mathematics at school and speaking about problem solving - it is no better. But I am a little bit astonished by the results I got from musical intelligence. In my opinion they are quiet high, because I do not consider myself  musical smart, but according to this test perhaps I am.

All things considered, I agree with the results of this test not fully. Anyway, I do believe that knowing your strengths and ability to use them in the most effective way can help us in our daily life.