2010 m. rugsėjo 29 d., trečiadienis


With the development of civilization, waiting in lines became a normal thing and now the main problem for businesses is how to cope with customer's dissatisfaction or how to reduce their time, spent in a queue as much as possible. These points are described in the article ''You are how you wait: queue psychology'', written by Malcom Gladwell.
First of all, a lot of researches have been studying it and they found some ways how to solve this problem. It is worth to mention, that time, spend in a queue, seems to be about 30 percent longer than the real waiting time. Anyway, some businesses have discovered that they can improve customer's satisfaction by concentrating as much on reducing perceived waiting time. For example, by putting large mirrors next to elevator doors, then person is too busy smartening up his appearance to notice, how long he is waiting. Another way, how to reduce waiting time in bags checking lines at airports, is parking airplanes further than usually, because then people have to walk and those, who checked bags, only have to wait an additional minute.
Finally, researches have found, that people are often angry with intruders, but they rarely protest.
All things considered, waiting in queues is like daily routine in our lives and we can not avoid this. Only one we can do, is to accept it and try to find some advantages of it.

My future profession

There is a great variety of jobs nowadays. Some jobs are considered to be prestigious, while others are not so popular among young people.
Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open before them, but it is not an easy thing to make up your mind and choose a profession. As for me, I have always dreamt about studying journalism. Unfortunately, I had bad luck at the entrance examination. Despite this, I had had the opportunity to study it, but I would have to pay for my studies. That is why I have chosen to study psychology. Honestly, studying psychology was not exactly I dreamt about, but now I am glad about my choice and studies. What is more, the profession of psychologist looks very perspective, especialy in this ''fast moving'' world, when people are so busy, unhappy and depressive. There are also many other problems, for example, discrimination, violence, dependency and so on. I think that the only one, who can take the major part in solving them, is psychologist.
It is also worth to mention, that there are a lot of subfields of psychology and everyone can choose one suitable for him. Speaking about me, I would like to work at sport psychology, because I was a swimmer for a long time and I have been closely connected with sport till now, so, in my mind, I would have enough abilities and pleasure to work as a sport psychologist. Of course it is quite possible that my minds and wishes will change in a near future.