2010 m. lapkričio 4 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of the Internet

From almost total obscurity the Internet swiftly leapt into our lives. Nowadays it sustains almost any human activity we can imagine.
As a new environment, the Internet can have potent effects on our behavior. It is a place where we are acting and interacting rather strangely at times. Sometimes it effects seem to be quite positive, but sometimes we do things online that we might never do in any other environment and that we regret later.
Speaking about youth, they usually use the Internet for communication with others in chat rooms or social webs. When people are online at the same time, they can enter chat rooms to engage in a kind of real time conversation with others. It looks really atractive, because people can create their new personality, because nobody knows who they really are. But the real problem is that sometimes it became like an obssesion and people spend all their free time by chating with others. And it is quite possible that in a course of time, those people will lose ability to communicate with others "face to face".
On the other hand, the Internet could be very helpful and necessary. For example, for our studies ( to find information, use electronical dictionaries or electronical books ), daily life ( to read news, pay bills, do shopping ), job ( to fill and send documents ).
In conclusion, the Internet has it's advantages and disadvantages and it depends on a person on which purpose he will use the Internet.


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