2010 m. lapkričio 24 d., trečiadienis

Time in a bottle. Summary

The majority of students can not imagine their weekends without parties and every party is unimaginable without alcohol. Drinking alcohol has become a part of college life. It is noticed that 40 per cent of American students are supossed to be heavy drinkers. Researches have decided to study this problem by investigating what encourages students to drink.

Researcher Clayton Neighbor and his collegues have found that social norms have influence on student's choice. Students wish to be members or fraternity or sorority and it stimulates them to be "cool" and drink alcohol. So, one of the factors, which encourages students to drink is pressure of others.

Another factor is a belief that drinking alcohol helps to forget problems, reduces tiredness and helps to relax.

All things considered, there is one way how to reduce the level of student's drinking - to change their attitude towards alcohol.

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