2011 m. balandžio 26 d., antradienis


To start with, biorhythm is an attempt to predict various aspects of person's life through simple mathematical cycles.

Honestly, I have never heard about biorhythms, until lecturer mentioned them during the lecture and asked us to calculate our biorhythms on certain day and compare  the results with our performance in doing Stress Test and writing the ESP test.

First of all, about biorhythms on March 31st, when I was doing an on-line Stress Test. Biorhythm calculator showed, that all my primary rhythms were under the zero that day. Perhaps the main reason of it was that March 31st is my birth day, and it is said, that such day is a critical day in a person's life. Speaking about secondary rhythms, only awareness and aesthetic were higher - 60 and 40 percent.
I believe, that there is a strong correlation between biorhythms and the results, which I got from Stress Test, because they showed that I am very stressed person.

What about results on April 5th, they were a little bit higher. One of primary rhythms, intellectual, was 13 percent - the highest of that week and all secondary rhythms were higher than zero. Despite that, my performance in ESP test was not such good.
I am not tend to search the link between my biorhythms and low mark, because to my mind it was adequate to my preparation for this test.

To sum up, I do not think that it is worth to rely on biorhythms in every situation and "blame" them for your failures or success, because they have no more predictive power than chance.

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