2011 m. balandžio 8 d., penktadienis

Stress Test

Stress is the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Stress can come from any situation or thought that make people frustrated, angry, nervous or anxious.

There is a great variety of stress tests. I have done on-line test, which measures the level of stress. There are four types of scores in this test: overall, quality of life, symptom distress and level of functioning score.

The basic, overall score generally shows emotional well-being. My score is 3,1 on a range of 1 to 5. To my mind, my results is quiet low, but correct. At this period of life I am very stressed and sometimes do not feel emotionally stable.

Quality of life score shows that I am not very satisfied with my life, including self-esteem, health, friends, family, work. Speaking generally, I am happy with my life, only some parts of it make me embarrassed, for example, my studies. They take a lot of time, mental and physical strength. But what about relationships with family and friends, I feel really comfortable.

According to symptom distress score, I feel little symptoms of depression, also anxiety and hostility. I can not confirm whether I am depressed or not, but in my opinion perhaps I feel more anxiety than others. There are lot of things I am worry about: my studies, my future plans or financial state.

Finally, level of functioning score established that it is hard for me to get along in the community. I tend to disagree with it, because I consider myself as communicative and flexible person, and it does not cause any problems to be on good terms with others.

Anyway, speaking generally, I agree with the results, because there are more things which are acceptable for me, than those, which are not.

To conclude I would like to say, that doing such test can help for people to identify what exactly causes their anxiety and makes them stressed. And maybe finding out the ground of it will help to cope with stress in a more effective way.


1 komentaras:

  1. I was delighted with your honesty. Also, I can see a huge improvement in your performances. Your sentences are fluent and "deeper". Your writing style is somewhat ironic, but I see advantages in that, not disadvantages. So keep in mind that. It was a pleasure to read.:)
