2011 m. balandžio 1 d., penktadienis

Personality Tests

Personality test - a test, usually involving standartized series of questions or tasks, used to describe or evaluate personality characteristics.

I have done two personality tests on the Internet and I would like to discuss the results.

Results from the first Jung typology test showed that my type is ENFJ, that means extraverted, intuitive, feeling and junging. I agree that I am only slightly expressed extraverted. I tend to interact with others and I am not very shy in social situations, although in some circumstances I used to be quiet and prefer being in small companies. Also I have a strong intuition and I try to trust my inner voice almost in every situation. Perhaps, no wonder, why feelings play an important part in my life. There are many things, which make me cry: books, movies, stories, homeless dogs and so on. What about judgement, I must confess that I tend to form my strong opinion before something happens. Unfortunately, such preconception does not help me, because my attitude almost always is negative and the world seems to be much more worse than it really is.

Speaking about The Big Five test, I can agree with the results only partly. Extraversion and an openness to experience were only two acceptable for me. According to this test I am unconscientious and disorganized, because I tend to do things somewhat chaotic. Honestly, I do not think I am such an undependable person. Although, sometimes it is really hard to plan my shedule, but I try to keep deadlines as much as possible. Another point, with wich I disagree, is low results from agreeableness. They showed that I tend to be rude and callous, but as I have mentioned, I consider myself as a sensitive person and to my mind, these things are inconsistent. On the other hand, this test confirmed my sensitivity, because the results from neuroticism was very high. I must confess, I am nervous, insecure and worrying, bet now I try to cope with it.

If I tried to compare both tests, I would like to say that the results from Jung's test were more acceptable for me, but I appreciated the type of The Big Five test more, because I had the opportunity to choose among several statements, not only between YES or NO. In my opinion, it makes the test more reliable.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I do not think that doing such tests is worthless, because they can not only show things, which we already know, but maybe also show other side of personality which we try to hide or not accept.



1 komentaras:

  1. It was interesting to my readng your blog, because I find a lot of useful information. Also, I agree with idea that personality tests which is taken in internet sometimes are not so good.
